MBN regularly completes Phase Two ESAs that comply with Ontario Regulation 153/04, as amended.  The Phase Two ESAs are often prepared to support the filing of a Record of Site Condition (RSC).  Each Phase Two ESA is comprised of the following scope of work:

  • MBN prepares a Site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) that included emergency contact information, emergency procedures, hazard analysis, protective measures, and the route to the hospital.
  • MBN coordinates the completion of public utility locates through Ontario One Call and local utility companies.  MBN maintains relationships with several contractors whom complete private utility locates.
  • MBN retains licensed Ontario drilling companies (pursuant to Ontario Regulation to advance boreholes and install monitoring wells to investigate areas of potential environmental concern (APEC) and potential contaminating activities (PCA) identified during the Phase One ESA. 
  • MBN retains the services of a laboratory that is accredited with the Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation Inc. (CALA) for the analysis of the soil and groundwater samples that are collected from the boreholes and monitoring wells, respectively.  The samples are analyzed for Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPC) based on the Sites respective APECs and PCAs identified.
  • MBN reviews the Site potable water supply source, current and/or proposed future land use and soil texture to select the appropriate Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Site Condition Standards (SCS) so that the soil and groundwater data can be properly reviewed and evaluated.
  • Investigation-derived waste (soil from drill cuttings and purge/development water) are  stored at the Site in pails and/or drums for subsequent disposal pending receipt of analytical data.
  • MBN prepares a summary report that describes the investigations that were completed, discusses potential or actual environmental impact at the Site, and presents recommendations regarding the need for additional investigation and/or remediation.  The summary report includes figures identifying key features and sample locations, data summary tables, stratigraphic logs and includes the laboratory analytical reports. 

MBN’s Phase Two ESA reports are recognized and accepted by the major Canadian lending institutions.